Monday, February 6, 2006

The name of the blog

Let's get creative. Face it: most blogs ought to be called blahgs to signify the so-so content they contain (I'm neither including nor excluding this one in that category). What other terms can we use to identify blogs by content? If a blog is particularly edgy, for example, or particularly accurate in the information it provides, should it remain merely a blog? I think we need a descriptive lexicon to distinguish blogs from one another. Perhaps that lexicon already exists. If so, enlighten us all. If not, let's begin here with:

Blahg: A thoroughly enervating blog.

Add on, folks!


sam lovato said...
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sam lovato said...

Glob: a blog that should die a horrible death

Leticia Steffen said...

Blawwwwwwg: A warm, fuzzy blog.

pueblosam said...

Blobg: A fairly fluid blog that digests other blogs.

Blogie: A blog not up to par.

Anonymous said...

Blueblog: A blog that talks about depressing topics.

pueblosam said...

Bwog: Elmer Fudd's blog