Monday, January 22, 2007

Media Ranks Last in recent Consumer Trust Survey: Why?

Business is more trusted than either government or media in every region of the world, according to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer, a survey of 3100 international opinion leaders.Survey results had business most credible in 13 of 18 countries.
In the U.S., business trust has increased from the prior survey, with 53% of respondants ranking business first, a comeback after lower rankings following the Enron and WorldCom criminal activities.
Prior Edelman surveys have ranked the nonprofit sector first among possible choices, followed by business, then government. Media rankings continue to be last in Edelman U.S. surveys.
Why do you think U.S. media have lower trust rankings than business or government? What issues or concerns do you think consumers have with U.S. media? How do you think U.S. media is perceived by consumers in other countries?


ACollins said...

It's ironic that with our lack of trust in media (I'm assuming news tops the list), we keep coming back to it... like that beau you KNOW is wrong but you keep going back anyway; or those $120 shoes that are a size too small, but they're fabulous so you wear them anyway. I wouldn't read too much into... most americans "trust" Simon, Jerry, and beauty shop gossip. Truth is most people aren't educated enough to tell the difference, so I say "let's get really off the wall (makin shit up), and see how long it takes for someone to notice?"

MCCNM 101 A.Collins

Anonymous said...

U.S. media has lower trust ranking than both business and government because of the Bias through out media. Specifically when a form of media is considered either liberal or conservative the stories they cover will only appeal to whatever percentage of the population is likewise, conservative or liberal. Soif a person who has liberal values percieves a form of media to be conservative they wont trust that media and vice versa. The issues and concerns of consumers is which media applies to them, so who do they trust? When consumers are unsure on where to turn for their news and information they begin to lose trust even in the forms of media that apply to them.