Friday, September 18, 2009
Nipplegate... the gift that keeps giving...
Over the summer, the court asked for new briefs in the case, after the Supreme Court determined in May to vacate the Third Circuit's ruling that the fine against CBS was "arbitrary and capricious."
Viacom has until the end of the month to file a response to the court and to the Federal Communications Commission.
So… after nearly six years to reflect, do you feel the same about “nipplegate” as you did in 2004? Any resolution predictions?
Chime in...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Leno in Prime Time!
BREAKING NEWS! Kanye will be part of a musical act appearing this evening and there are plenty of viewers who will continue to be outraged over his treatment of Taylor Swift at last night's VMA Award Show. Will they tune in to see if Leno calls Kanye out, or will they tune out as a form of protest? The ratings should give us a bit of a clue, but you can get a preview of some of the anger directed at Kanye (and Leno) by visiting myNBC and other message boards.
Here are a few quotes:
I was looking forward to Jay's new show, but if the Jay Leno Show is going to promote the likes of Kayne West on it's debute show, especially after last night, then that states volumes about the producers of this show and NBC.
No, Thanks! I'll be watching CBS tonight!!!
If Kayne gets to sing AND now to talk as well, Jay will be rewarding bad behavior in the worst way. I have been a big fan of Jay in everything he does, but if Kayne gets more time on TV because of what he did last night, my image of Jay will be forever tarnished.
Kayne West does NOT deserve TV time. DO NOT give him publicity. If you do, I will not watch. Maybe not for a month. I like others idea about replacing him with Taylor Swift.
Well, now that Jay Leno has made his decision to not only allow Kanye West to appear on his show, but to also let him apologize to a national audience; my decision was made for me. I will not watch this show ever. Mr. Leno has decided to give this classless person just what he wants....more attention and more spotlight. I truly hope that the millions of people who were offended by Kanye's behavior tune out and show NBC just how low they have sunk in the public's opinion!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Obviously, radio must move the internet, the same way that TV, cable, etc. must. However, iheartradio is great example of radio leapfrogging the web and getting to the distribution channel that really matters… digital mobile phones. To be fair, is a website delivering content to PCS, it’s not an application dedicated entirely to the portability marketplace. Does it matter how the app is delivered? Local radio just went hand-held, affordable, and nationwide – it’s a new broadcasting model for 2009 (if I were Mel Karmazin, I’d probably start working overtime on that XM/Sirius satellite radio iPhone app).
All things considered, is iheartradio good news or bad news for terrestrial radio? Portability is nothing new to radio, but local stations delivered nationwide to cell phones is very fresh. Is iheartradio a catalyst for local radio programmers to reinvest in personality radio, is the app signaling an imminent doom for the music utility radio station? Local radio on cell phones sounds like more audience fragmentation, is there any silver lining on the horizon? Anyone with an iPhone or Blackberry can walk around with DC101 in their pocket… how cool is that?
Chime in…
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Twitter and second graders
Some second graders in Maine are using Twitter to communicate with pen-pals and to learn about grammar, spelling, math, online security and digital citizenship.
Do you think these students are too young to be exposed to Twitter -- or is it never too early to start educating children on social (and other) uses of technology?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
What's Next for Newspapers?
So what are the options. Here are a few ideas that I've heard recently. 1) Switch from commercial to non-profit and ask wealthy patrons to endow the organization to cover operating expenses. Universities use this model and many believe that there are well-to-do benefactors who would hate to see newspapers disappear. 2) Increase subscription prices and sell papers/newsletters to those who value news and can afford to pay a premium price. 3) Charge a small fee per news story (similar to an iTunes model) for content. Even music fans are starting to "pony up" even though free downloads are often just a few clicks away. 4) Allow readers to "contribute" a small fee to websites where they find content of value. This approach is being promoted by companies like Kachingle, a micro-payment service that hopes that people will voluntarily give if given the opportunity. 5) Get in line for a government bailout. Some would argue that newspaper are too important to let them fail.
It's clear that some of these alternatives have more promise than others. It's also likely that the final solution may be some combination of the above, or something else entirely. There are some journalists whose jobs depend on figuring it out, and the sooner the better. To find out what they're up to, check out the I Want My Rocky website, or the San Franciso Post Chronicle wiki. At the Rocky website journalists who are out of work are continuing to publish stories as they try to figure out their future. At the SFC wiki, journalists who may soon be out of a job are trying to be proactive as they face the future. In both cases there is much at stake and little time to waste.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Personal Reputation: What is Chris Brown's these days?
Apparently they are reconciling as this post is being written. Some questions to ponder: how will this domestic incident impact Chris Brown's reputation? If Rihanna returns to Chris, how does it impact her reputation? Are there sports or entertainment celebrities whose careers have actually thrived on a "bad boy" or "bad girl" anti-social reputation? Can you become famous and successful for challenging what is perceived to be decent and good in society? And if you can, what does that say about our society? Or about the entertainment or sports celebrity industries?
Monday, March 2, 2009
Factoid of the Day: Radio Legend Gone
Thursday, February 5, 2009
DTV delayed...
So… is the DTV delay a good move for consumers, a good move for broadcasters? Did you apply for converter box coupons, have they arrived? Are you watching TV though cable, satellite, or rabbit ears… does any of this DTV stuff matter?
A suggestion for lawmakers… please consider delaying the presidential election in 2012 by four months, just in case we find that 5% of American households are undecided, still trying to figure out whether they should vote for Clinton or Palin…
Chime in…
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Factoid of the Day: Online Piracy
Answer: About 17 minutes!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Are we entering a new era of openness in government? And are journalists up to the challenge?
President Barack Obama issued a memo on Jan. 21, expressing his adminstration's support for the Freedom of Information Act.
The memo included this statement: "The Government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors and failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears. Nondisclosure should never be based on an effort to protect the personal interests of Government officials at the expense of those they are supposed to serve."
In light of his support for open records and the Freedom of Information Act, do you think other public, governmental bodies will follow suit and be more willing to open their records for the public? And will journalists be emboldened to make open records requests and demand government accountability?
Are we entering a new era of openness in government with the Obama presidency as a role model?
Monday, January 19, 2009
History in the making

The Inaugural Address is expected to be yet another masterful demonstration of Obama's rhetorical skill. He will most certainly continue his themes of hope and change...while squarely acknowledging the daunting challenges that await his presidency. Previous inauguration addresses have reminded us that, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" (FDR) and challenged us to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" (JFK).
Mass media have historically allowed us to celebrate our finest moments, and witness our greatest tragedies, via the miracle of instantaneous community. Whether we're watching the Superbowl or witnessing planes flying into skyscrapers, TV, and now the internet, brings us together in ways that defy the imagination.
For those of you on campus Tues morning, you can watch the Inauguration and related festivities on big-screen TVs in BRH and the OUC. If you're near a computer you can watch the live stream at a variety of sites including Hulu and Current TV, where they will reprise their debate coverage with a live Twitter stream superimposed over the live video of the inauguration.
You owe it to your children to give your attention to this historic event. The country is awash in optimism, hope and faith in the ability of this yet untried president. Let's join together to wish him, and this nation, the best.