The Inaugural Address is expected to be yet another masterful demonstration of Obama's rhetorical skill. He will most certainly continue his themes of hope and change...while squarely acknowledging the daunting challenges that await his presidency. Previous inauguration addresses have reminded us that, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" (FDR) and challenged us to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" (JFK).
Mass media have historically allowed us to celebrate our finest moments, and witness our greatest tragedies, via the miracle of instantaneous community. Whether we're watching the Superbowl or witnessing planes flying into skyscrapers, TV, and now the internet, brings us together in ways that defy the imagination.
For those of you on campus Tues morning, you can watch the Inauguration and related festivities on big-screen TVs in BRH and the OUC. If you're near a computer you can watch the live stream at a variety of sites including Hulu and Current TV, where they will reprise their debate coverage with a live Twitter stream superimposed over the live video of the inauguration.
You owe it to your children to give your attention to this historic event. The country is awash in optimism, hope and faith in the ability of this yet untried president. Let's join together to wish him, and this nation, the best.
For those in MC 101, Media & Society, please post your comment on the Inauguration Ceremony that we watched Tues morning. If you post anonymously, please provide your name so that I can give you credit for completing this assignment.
I believe the Inauguration was a huge impact on America this morning. President Obama has great rhetoric skills when it comes to his speeches. He always finds a way to get the peoples attention and hold it long enough to get his point across to them. Obama will bring change to this country that is much needed.
The Inauguration Ceremony was attended by the masses through many types of media. The world witnessed America’s 44th President, who is so precise in his words, earnestly stumble over is oath. Many watched in awe mediating on the change President Obama has promised America. It is an understatement to say the Inauguration was a great civil triumph for the country. My only hope is vital issues are not attended to emotionally, but with great knowledge, strategy and skill. I take great pride in the peaceful transition of power as American welcomes a new commander in chief.
Today was one of the most important times of our lives.After President Obama's oath, I felt so proud of our country.This special moment will always be remembered for future inspiration.I can recall the way Obama had such hope in his speech.And I'm sure he was probably nervous, but the whole time he stayed focused.That is one of many aspcts that proves the change our United States will see.
I think that President Obama's speech was well put and effective. It was obvious that he was a bit nervous and was trying to speed things up, but that can be related to anyone and shouldn't affect his credibility. I think Obama's presidency is just what this country needs and I am anxious to see what happens.
I think the Inauguration Ceremony was something else. It was definitely a historical moment for America. Barack Obama has always had a way with words and this was no exception.
I believe the Inauguration speech by President Obama was articulate and well done. I don’t know if it will be like FDR’s or JFK’s as far as history goes. The 44th President will be remembered because he is the first African American to become President. This is the mile stone in history the evolution of America has know gone full circle as far as race is concerned.
Today was a day that will go down in History! President Obama had the attention of everyone that was listening or watching his speech today! I think it was a great idea for him to make his speech shorter for the very reason that more people will remember his speech in the years to come! His words were very powerful and held a lot of meaning to them! I am very glad I was able to experience this event!
Cassi Brunson
After watching this ceremony and seeing all these various artists perform, it has definitely given hope to a nation. I thought it was very cool to see so many people at the Lincoln memorial celebrating the election of Barack Obama, and honoring the late Martin Luther King. It was a fascinating site to see how happy everyone was. It most definitely brought hope to my eyes for the up and coming years
Vinny Papasedero
Professor Ebersole,
I think this is exactly what the world has been waiting for. I think Obama seems more of a real person and himself compared to other presidents like Bush. Like when he was dancing with his wife and making easy mistakes like how he couldn't even get the correct words out while reciting his oath...it seemed so real. The inauguration was history in the making.
Krystal Majorovas
MCCNM 101 T/TH 9:30
Although I do feel that this was indeed a historic event in American history, and that it is great to see an African-American man as our commander-in-chief, I feel that the media in general is making way too much of it. If I recall correctly, they did not cover George W. Bush's inauguration for 3 days as they have done with this one. The media is way too biased towards the democratic party, and I feel that certain members of the media should be embarassed for displaying such bias.
It was an absolute thrill witnessing history. Having voted for Barack Obama I feel as though I have personally contributed. It was something I have been involved in for the last two years and it has finally happened. His speech was very profound and straight forward. I feel he addressed the issues and was able to clarify that with the two wars and our economy, it will take time. I am proud of our new President and wish him the best.
I think it was amazing that we celebrated the life of Martin Luther King Jr. and the next day we watched his dream come true as the first African American president was sworn in to office. Every word of his speech was what Americans wanted to hear. I just hope he is able to make some changes that will back up what he is saying.
Yesterday morning I accidentally forgot to reset my alarm after waking up once before, thus missing this class. So when I got up i turned on the Inauguration Ceremony to see President Obama speaking, I will always remember the first time I saw our first black President. It is definitely a day to mark on your calendar. Now, lets see what the next four years can turn into!
Amanda Olds
I feel that Obama's speech was very well spoken and heart-felt. It was one that seemed as if it could give hope to all of his nonbelievers. Obama is aware that what he promises to this country will take very hard work and is more than willing to do what it takes. High goals are what needed to be set for this country and now they are.
by: Keith Berry
History was made on the 20th on January. Obamas ceremony was well organized and runned smoothly. It was not only the first black president of the united states that was accomplished today, but all of the boundaries of race has finally been broken by him proving that race will not hold you back from acheiveing your dreams any more. I hope that he will continue to make history not only by being the first black president but also for the changes that he will make for the country.
Bilal Carter
Watching the Inauguration Ceremony of President Obama reminded me of many great moments in the American experience. We saw history being made on a grand scale. President Obama used the media effectively to convey his message of the strength and leadership he expects out of us all who live in this free country. His speech was a call to action similar to those of President John F. Kennedy and President Franklin D. Roosevelt who also took office during turbulent times.
President Obama said, "Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations."
Katherine Drotar
The inauguration ceremony yesterday was watched by people globally through different kinds of media. I heard from my friend that our media back in china all paid highly attention to it. Although i just understood the speech limitedly, i could feel the confidence and ambitions when Obama addressed. In china we believe that obstacles can make people of a country more united and i think it's the same here in USA. I believe americans are ready to have a new start.
Ye Ming
This election has certaintly been one for the record books. Two years ago when the race began, how many persons really thought that Barak Hussein Obama would become the President of the United States. It is definately time that a person of color made it to the top position. Next time a woman? Indian? Hispanic? Asian? Hopefully, history will be able to write of President Obama as a politician that kept his promises to the American people.
President Obama's speech is something I will always remember. It was such a monumental moment in history and I'm am delighted to say that I was able to watch history in the making. His speech was well thought out and really hit on the issues that most Americans really care about. The next four years will be quite the experience and I'm excited to see our nation grow and change.
My thoughts about President Obama's speech is overall positive. The focus seem to be focused on change and hope for everyone, which what I think the citizens do need encourage to be build up in today's society and world. The format of the speech did catch the attention of the audience with his words which helped displayed a vision for the next four years. Some of Obama's comments throughout the speech did touch me as a young voter.
Jessica Robbe
I would first like to say that being able to witness this special moment has been a blessing to me because I can finally tell my children (when I have some) that I was there to witness the history in the making. I may not have been there for Martin Luther King, Jr. but knowing that I was alive to see Obama, his wife, and their kids for the Inauguration was amazing. During the whole ceremony, I realized that the whole Inauguration was based upon Abraham Lincoln and when he had his Inauguration. I also think it's sweet to know that Abraham would be 200 yrs of age. Wow!!! I'm so happy that I got to witness a lifetime moment.
**Sierra Jones**
Obama has a win-win situation on his hands. He can be a horrible presidnet, and not improve any problems in the country. He justs blame it on the Bush administration, like a majority of the counrty has already. Man is a powerful speaker though.
John Ninemire
To me Obama becoming president means that anything is now possible. He has open so many doors for Americas youth and has inspired many others with his powerful speaking and his overrall presence is incredible. I am very happy with the outcome of the election
I think that the Inaugaration was something that America was hoping to hear. It was shown just in the sheer size of how many people showed up at the event. It also demonstrated how much support President Obama has coming into office. It was definately a monumental moment in American history and I'm anxioius to see how the next four to eight years pan out.
The Inauguration of President Obama marked a milestone in American history. THe election, campaigning, and candidacy was a long grueling process that many are so relived paid off. As a campaigner myself, there were days and nights I would call and talk to people about why Obama should be our president, what attributes he brings to our country, his poise and his eloquence- even after he was being bashed by the Republican party. Obama portrays all the qualities of a great leader and a great man, i sincerely hope he will make good on his promises.
This was a great day to be an american.Obama has brought the nation together-even if it is just for one day-to be apart of something bigger makes everyone feel important. whereas in the past, people have felt like its just another 4 years. I think he sparks hope in everyone and its truly encouraging. This is what the people needed especially since they have been almost ashamed to call themselves americans. Hope is the keyword that best described that day.
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