Thursday, February 5, 2009

DTV delayed...

Congress has postponed the shutdown of analog television signals to June 12th, the only thing left to seal the deal is Barack’s signature. Why the holdup…? A little over 5% of U.S TV households are not ready for this inevitable future. The DTV delay impacts commercial PCS and emergency response among others. Critics say not moving forward with the previous February 17th stop date will only create confusion. Consider the FCC has mandated broadcasters provide DTV Consumer Education gratis… (the commission order came in March of last year, most broadcasters have been talking about February 17th for years).

So… is the DTV delay a good move for consumers, a good move for broadcasters? Did you apply for converter box coupons, have they arrived? Are you watching TV though cable, satellite, or rabbit ears… does any of this DTV stuff matter?

A suggestion for lawmakers… please consider delaying the presidential election in 2012 by four months, just in case we find that 5% of American households are undecided, still trying to figure out whether they should vote for Clinton or Palin…

Chime in…


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Please do not delay the presidential elections. They are way too long now and just like football season. As far as DTV delay, how do they find the 5% and know they are not ready? I use cable at my home and did not need a converter box, so to me it will not be a big deal. For the 5% that are not ready, they better get ready, because hopefully, in June it will be over and we can get on to another issue.

Jane Schifferdecker

Jon Peltier said...

The delay was needed to keep the company and the society happy because TV is life for some people. Congress did the right thing in prolonging the DTV for society to keep up with the changing times. The technology is there for the change and some of the TV stations have changed all ready but they are using both to send out the information. But the mass community is not ready for the change at this time.

jordan surratt said...

To me, this doesnt seem like a pressing issue that America truly needs to deal with. Everyone will adapt, so there was know need to postpone anything due to 5% of americans.If that was the case, alot of bills should have been postponed due to a polls showing dissfavor towards other bills.I personally dont have cable period because i haave realized i can watch just about anything i want on the internet as well as skipping the commercials.If all Obama is waiting for is the 5%, then he should continue with the process and sign the bill.

Manuel Crespin said...

I feel if we based all our decisions on 5% of Americans we will get nothing done. I think the delay was uncalled for considering most people are ready for the advancement. Its not like a life changing advancement. All this requires is a converter(paid for by the government) or a new T.V. If we plan on advancing in mass comm and technology we cant just sit back and wait for the 5% of people who are technologically declined to say their ready. We are moving into the future and we need to progress to get anything done. Delaying this was a waste considering those 5% will have just had to go out and get a new T.V. sooner. I'm willing to bet that the 5% are just procrastinating once again to the new date change and will wait to last minute to complain once again.
-Manuel Crespin-