Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Personal Reputation: What is Chris Brown's these days?

The reputation of a product or service helps determine whether target audiences will purchase or use it. The same goes for individuals. Famous people, such as entertainers, sports celebrities, or elected officials, are their own brands and have an accompanying reputation perceived by the public. Generally speaking, in our society, "good" reputations are consider preferrable to "bad" reputations. Then again, some celebs intentionally promote "bad boy' reputes because they think it makes them more famous. Case in point: Chris Brown, an entertainer with a "good boy" reputation is accused of domestic assault on his equally famous "good girl" girlfriend, Rihanna.
Apparently they are reconciling as this post is being written. Some questions to ponder: how will this domestic incident impact Chris Brown's reputation? If Rihanna returns to Chris, how does it impact her reputation? Are there sports or entertainment celebrities whose careers have actually thrived on a "bad boy" or "bad girl" anti-social reputation? Can you become famous and successful for challenging what is perceived to be decent and good in society? And if you can, what does that say about our society? Or about the entertainment or sports celebrity industries?


Anonymous said...

In reading this article, it creates the problem of what society has inflicted upon us. Many people believe that this "bad boy" personality is something desirable that men envy and women desire. I personally believe that Chris Brown assaulting a woman has no excuse and it should be treated in the same manner as domestic violence that takes place with people who aren't celebrities. Chris Brown was a positive figure with a good personal reputation, but this ideally drags him down to a negative one. Depending on the outcome, he has been exposed as the type of man that finds solution with violence. Hopefully it will only take one time for him to learn that domestic violence will never be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

The conflict with Chris Brown and Rihanna is absolutely ridiculous. In this article, as well as many others just like it, they seem to dramatically understate this issue. It is not just an issue that stars face, but also an issue that the average person faces. The "bad boy" persona that many try to portray is something that has always raised intrigue, whether it be good or bad. There is no excuse for bad behavior, especially in the public eye. Chris Brown's positive "good guy" imaged was shattered when this incident took place. He has been exposed for the person he really is and I was glad to see Nickelodeon banned him from attending the Kids' Choice Awards. Letting him get away with it almost condones his actions. Kids do not need a negative influence like his to cloud their judgment. What he did was wrong and I hope he is punished accordingly.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how some celebrities forget that they are in the spotlight and just for that reason they are always being watched or being followed upon. Celebrities have it the worse not knowing that they are role models that are being looked up to. This creates a problem in society because now that the conflict between Rihanna and Chris Brown has occured not only will it effect their lives but it will effect those that actually look up to these stars. Domestic violence should not be used in any kind of way especially when you know that you're apart of the entertainment life. Chris Brown and Rihanna should not get back together. They need to live and learn that the lifestyle they're living is not that right one. They're still young they have some growing up to do. Reputation is everything.

Sierra Jones

Anonymous said...

Nowadays, celebrities are more exposed to public views than that of fifty years ago as more and more cameras focus on them. They become models of the society, either good or bad, whose behavior is then not only a business of themselves as they have an impact upon people, especially teenagers who pay close attention to them. However, many of them seems to forget their power over audience. I'm not saying that it is right to scrutinize every thing they do and that celebrities should have no privacy. Instead, i think they should know clearly about their personal reputation and social responsibility as public figures. How would the fans feel when they hear the news of Chris Brown assaulting his girlfriend? I guess some will think that it may be not a big deal to do so and thus imitate him. Or, some will be more desperated because who they believe turns out to be a big liar of his own behavior. Media should take action to avoid "bad boy" phenomenon and shape a postive atmosphere for our society.

Ye Ming

Anonymous said...

One's reputation seems to be becoming less and less important these days. People, famous people, will do whatever they feel like at the time. Because they are famous and they know that anything they do publicly will give them attention, good attention or bad attention; attention is attention. I think that if Rihanna gets back, and they did get back together I heard, it will only say that Rihanna is a weak woman, because any man who feels he can lay a hand on a woman is a weak man...so maybe it will work out for them!!


Jameson said...

Celebrities careers definitely all take on some sort of image, either good or bad. Both can be successful either intentionally or unintentionally. It is disappointing to see how our society has responded to the "bad boy-girl" celebrities. Although not everyone supports their attitudes, they still evidently have fans. This reflects the sad fact that our society is at times willing to accept celebrities poor choices and actions. For example, Michael Phelps smoking Marijuana was met with a little bit of dislike and caused his loss of some sponsers but, because he appologizes everyone is willing to say hey he made a mistake big deal. I think too many times celebrities are not faced with the rebuke they should. They need to realize that with fame comes responsability. They are role models and need to live like it. And we as a society need to hold them to that expectation.

Desarey Balloon said...

I know it is probably really hard being a celebrity people always have their eyes on you watching for your next move or waiting for you to trip up so that you can be the next big headline thats going to put a couple bucks in their pocket. What Chris Brown did was wrong but it happens in society all the time, women get beat by their boyfriends and husbands but we're not quick to get up and make a big fuss about it. Whether Rhianna decides to take him back or not is not up to me or anybody else, its her life she has to learn from her mistakes.

Tayler Zinanti said...

This article shows just how famous people can have an easy influence on people. Chris Brown was seen as a "good guy" before the incident with Rihanna, appearing in advertisements for certain brands. This whole "bad boy" persona is influenced by so many famous people, and distorts girls ideas of an ideal man and makes girls want to be with men that treat them horribly. I do not think that Chris Brown should get away with what he did. It is completely unacceptable and if he gets away with it, he will just influence more people to think that hitting women is ok.

Kami said...

This article shows how much famous influence people today. Younger generations look up to people like Chris Brown and watch everything that he does. When he does something, they see it as being cool and they think that it is ok for them to do the same thing. He was seen as a "good-guy" before the incident and hopefully the younger generations will see how his reputation changed for the worse and they will continue to hold higher expectations for celebrities to maintain more of a "goog-guy" presence rather than the "bad-boy" image.

Michelle Mankins said...

Honestly, I think that this incident is something that will tarnish Chris Brown's career. He is a celebrity that is looked up to by a young generation. With that said, parents aren't going to want their children to be looking up to Chris Brown if he assaults his girlfriend, because parent's don't want their daughters thinking that that is okay behavior for that girl's future boyfriend and they don't want that son to treat his future girlfriend that way. I think that if Rihanna does take back Chris Brown it will be damaging to her career because it will show a lack of respect for herself, rather than being an empowering woman and saying that it is not okay. She is a role model whether she wants to be or not and her actions are going to effect her fans future actions.

Jonathan Martinez said...

The incident with singer Chris Brown and his Girlfriend Rihanna is pretty messed up, but I feel that superstars with to much pressure, makes this kind of thing bound to happen. Yes Chris Brown has a good boy reputatuion but doesnt mean he is always going to be good. I do feel however that what Chris Brown did is unexceptiable and even though he is famous he too still has to be punished for his actions. If Rihanna goes back to Chris Brown, that would be a stupid mistake because if he did it once he will do it again.

Vinny Papasedero said...

Drama can be somewhat of a good thing in our society. We see it in Sports, reality shows, and everyday life. It attracts people whether we like it or not. As far as drama between Chris Brown and Rihanna, well its safe to say that when another man puts his hands on a woman, it is not right no matter what. But people are going to read about it, people are going to buy magazines about the issue, and get somewhat involved in all this. I personally believe that Chris Brown lost a lot of respect from people including me. Now other than the Chris Brown incident, the, "Bad boy" image is something we Americans but into. Just think about gangster movies and why we are so attracted to them, or even the thought that what would the NFL be without Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson. Like the old saying violence, or bad behavior is not the answer, especially when it comes to abusing a female. But the bad boy image is something we buy into.

Shayna Vasquez said...

I believe this domestic violence incident will have a negative effect on both entertainers. This goes beyond the "bad boy" reputation for Chris Brown. He crossed the line when he hit Rihanna. Many fans will stop liking and respecting him, including me. Hitting a woman is never right and Chris will have a long way to go before getting his reputation and endorsements back. By going back to him, Rihanna also is ruining her reputation. She used to be seen as a strong independant woman, and her success thrived on that belief. Now she is seen as a weak girl that needs a man to complete her. I believe there are many celebrities that thrive on the "bad boy" or "bad girl" image. It says a lot about our society that people think they have to have a bad reputation just to be known and remembered.

Jordan S. said...

Well its obviously had a negative impact on his reputation. But at this point, if the incident did indeed happen, they should reconcile and he should man up and except responability.
if rihanna returns to chris, it will probably have a negative impact on her career because fans dont want to see someone give in to that type of violence and have better self respect then that.There are some bad boys but not in this aspect, because it may be over a bad relationship but if its over beating a female, that isnt looked at as commendable or marketbale. And i think rihanna would be commended either way, but commended and respected are two different things.I think alot of people would respect her if she stood up for herself and did the right thing.
Our society builds people up just to break them down and personally, i dont know if chris can be brought back up to the status he was at before the incident.

Manuel Crespin said...

I think this whole situation is appalling. No matter what angle we view this Chris Brown is assaulting a women and in no way is that acceptable! Regardless the popularity status of her. This is outrageous that one would even consider it a good thing that he beats her for the reputation. If our society and culture has come to the point where Men need to beat women then something is terribly wrong here. In my opinion I feel that their is a fine line between the "Bad Boy" appearance and beating someone. And If she doesn't leave him then I think her reputation will drop considering he beat her. The sad part about this situation is a i feel no matter the outcome her reputation will suffer more than Chris's after this is all done with.
-Manuel Crespin-

Unknown said...

Chris Brown's reputation is forever going to be ruined. Hitting a girl is a big no no.I used to like him but now i have a hard time listening to his music because i think of him being so much of a man that he hits girls. Now for Rhiana it is about the same thing. If she were to get back with him she would be an idiot, but it's been long passed this issue and we all know that she is smart and staying away form Chris. I think her reputation has and will increase in a positive way because she didn't go back with him and how she is the one everyone feels bad for and she is receiving a lot of attention. The "bad boy" image will never work in a positive way if the bad boy is a bad boy for beating on a girl.