Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tiger the Brand, or Tiger the person...or both

Most recent sources on the Tiger Wood brand scandal (yes, he is a brand...his own), are saying that his wife wants to stay in the marriage because she wants their family together...but that Tiger wants to stay in the marriage so his BRAND continues to be successful and worthy of being endorsed by the biggest product brand names out there.

If this were a psychology blog, I'd ask what you think he should do to repair his marriage...but it's a blog on the media, so my question to you is: what should Tiger do to repair his brand image? He certainly worked hard to position himself as the world's best golfer and a very decent man...and now that's a bit does he get back the mojo...? Can he? Are his personal life and his professional brand too inter-related?
-Jen Mullen


Jackie Perea said...

I think Tiger is doing a good job repairing his brand image. Though i do not believe that his personal life should have affected his brand image in the first place, it still did. I think that Tiger should continue with his conseling and working towards repairing his marriage because it will show the people that he has made mistakes, but he accepted them and is working to fix his problems. People should see that he is making an effort to apologize and repaire the damage he has done, and hopefully it will help restore his good name and brand image.

Jacob Alfonso said...

Whether Tiger is trying to repair his Brand name or his marriage its hard to say. Though Tiger did cheat on his wife, many people are going to dislike him as a person. But the case and point is that Tiger is an amazing golfer, and people are going to support him for that no matter what. There have been athletes in the past that have committed murder and fans still support them. I think Tiger resents what he did and is doing anything he can to show the public he is sorry.

Amanda Starr said...

I agree with Jackie. Tiger's personal life should not have anything to do with his brand image. He is a great athlete. That's what his brand supports. It shouldn't support his marriage or any other aspect of his personal life. However, we all know that once you step into the spot light, your personal life doesn't exist on it's own anymore. Your professional and personal life become mixed and what you do in one has serious consequences in the other. Therefore, if Tiger wants to fix his brand image, he better start by fixing his marriage or appear to be fixing it anyway. If he walks away from this apologetically and appears to have learned a lesson, I think his image will survive just fine. It's all about presenting himself in a positive way to the public. He needs to show the public that he's taking the right steps to fix his marriage, that he is sorry, and that he learned a lesson and it won't ever happen again. This is basic stuff that we learned in Kindergarten. He just needs to apply it now, and his image will be fine.

Patrick Smith said...

The whole Tiger Brand/family imaged is tarnished. He is working hard to make the brand image better. But the whole brand/family is too inter-twined. He needs to step back and look at the big picture and figure out where things need to be in his life. It will take a lot of work to get everything put back together for the brand image. But even harder for the family image.

Manuel Crespin said...

I feel all this hassle over tiger is a little uncalled for. We are all human and most males will commit acts like he did, but because they aren't famous it will either not be a big deal or it wont even be heard of. I think Tiger is on his way to reclaiming his brand image. although this hole thing might have effected his sponsors I don't they will drop him because he still continues this day to bring in the money. titles like the ES sports game "Tiger Woods PGA tour" will continue to sell, and tiger will continue to golf. I can't really say whether tiger is trying to restore his marriage or his image or if he even really cares but what I can say is that he still has fans and he still has sponsors willing to back him.
-Manuel Crespin-

Nick Bertaud said...

I disagree with Jackie and Amanda and think Tiger's personal life should affect his brand name. Before the scandal, people portrayed as a family man, great golfer, and model citizen. In this light little kids could truly look up to him and say 'I wanna be like Tiger Woods'. But the truth was Tiger Woods was a strait-up FAKE and unfaithful to his loved ones. You cant go and say your one thing and be another behind the scenes. People who say 'its not a big deal' or 'other people do it' do not understand what Tiger Woods tried to represent and the influence he posses. Do you want YOUR children to idolize Tiger Woods? To turn his image around however, he should go with a campaign with a 'we all make mistakes' type theme and should ask for/deserves a second chance.

Kameron Wilhite said...

Tiger's personal life should not have anything to do with his brand image. He is a great athlete. That's what his brand supports. It shouldn't support his marriage or any other aspect of his personal life. However, we all know that once you step into the spot light, your personal life doesn't exist on it's own anymore. Your professional and personal life become mixed and what you do in one has serious consequences in the other. Therefore, if Tiger wants to fix his brand image, he better start by fixing his marriage or appear to be fixing it anyway. If he walks away from this apologetically and appears to have learned a lesson, I think his image will survive just fine. It's all about presenting himself in a positive way to the public. He needs to show the public that he's taking the right steps to fix his marriage, that he is sorry, and that he learned a lesson and it won't ever happen again. This is basic stuff that we learned in Pre-School. He just needs to apply it now, and his image will be fine.

Kameron Wilhite said...

Tiger's personal life should not have anything to do with his brand image. He is a great athlete. That's what his brand supports. It shouldn't support his marriage or any other aspect of his personal life. However, we all know that once you step into the spot light, your personal life doesn't exist on it's own anymore. Your professional and personal life become mixed and what you do in one has serious consequences in the other. Therefore, if Tiger wants to fix his brand image, he better start by fixing his marriage or appear to be fixing it anyway. If he walks away from this apologetically and appears to have learned a lesson, I think his image will survive just fine. It's all about presenting himself in a positive way to the public. He needs to show the public that he's taking the right steps to fix his marriage, that he is sorry, and that he learned a lesson and it won't ever happen again. This is basic stuff that we learned in Kindergarten. He just needs to apply it now, and his image will be fine.

Unknown said...

Tiger Woods has been working his butt off to repair his image. People are on him like he committed a crime. Yeah adultery is wrong, but his sponsors leaving him because of a personnel issue is just bogus. I do admit that Tiger is taking all the right steps. He has admitted he has a problem and he is working on it through therapy and classes. He has never denied doing what he did. So he has accepted his punishment of the possibility of losing his family. All of Tiger's life everything has been about golf but when it came down to family and golf he chose his family and quit golf to get help. Tiger is working to fix his brand.
Ryan wormington

Josiah Rodriguez said...

Tiger Woods continues to take advantage of his wife by emotional betrayal. Tiger has been pleading and begging Elin not to divorce him and doing this by his parading around by trying to clean up his image. His issues are too severe for my taste though. i think getting back with Elin shows his regeneration to a good person, and that he really does not care about her.

Dalton Ries said...

It might sound weird but i think the best way to repair his image somewhat close to what he has done, take one or two occasions to answer everyones questions, then keep it personal from then on out. The questions will be there but people will get tired of asking and it will blow over, especially if he starts winning some golf tournaments. If he is able to take the attention from his personal life and put it back on his professional life it would be a great accomplishment.

Marcus Dabney said...

I think if Tiger continues to get help and shows signs of improvement then they will be able to start fixing their marrige and save it in the end. So far he is doing a good job of restablishing himself and working on not being a villian any more. I think we will find an answer to whether or not if they have truely saved their marrige soon enough.

Jordan Gregory said...

All Tiger needs to do is start winning again. Hundreds of stars in the past have committed adultery and have been caught, but those who are stars have been forgiven. If Tiger gets back to his winning ways, fans will start to love him again and endorsements will follow. I think of Kobe Bryant, when he had sex with the girl from Colorado, everyone hated him, but with a few wins and championships, Kobe was not only back, but back stronger and with more endorsements